Jess Heywood Jess Heywood

The Hepworth Wakefield Print Fair

The Hepworth Wakefield Print Fair

A couple of weekends ago I took part in THW print fair, in the newly opened Tileyard North venue. It is only the 3rd fair I've ever done, the first one being over 10 years ago, and the 2nd being very small scale. It was quite a big leap to go from those to such a renowned and large scale fair - I was thrilled my application was accepted, and spent a long time prepping all my work for the weekend. I chose to fill my stall with framed examples, and then sell all my prints unframed. It was so interesting to see what was popular (clearly pigeons and dead fish are the way to go), and what generated the most conversations. I also took along some crochet, and the crochet mice in particular were an absolute hit.  Although it was a print fair, I liked the idea of having a little crochet mascot for most of my prints - it was a point of difference for my stall, and definitely worth the time they take to make. I have a few more fairs coming up this year, so I'll be working on honing my set up, and learning from what worked best at The Hepworth.

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